
0x02-Windows 下使用 Scoop 工具安装环境以及管理各种软件

description: 想实现只用脚本的情况下同步一台 Windows PC 的开发环境(安装各种开发中工具)

环境: WIN10 Pro 工具: powershell(version > 3)/scoop

scoop 使用

scoop 安装

首先,我们需要先确认 powershell 的版本,安装 scoop 前提 Permalink 版本大于等于 3 的 powershell


然后,确保您已允许 PowerShell 执行本地脚本

set-executionpolicy remotesigned -scope currentuser

安装 scoop

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')

# or shorter
iwr -useb get.scoop.sh | iex

scoop 添加 bucket

安装 git 后可以添加 bucket

# scoop insatll git

# 查看官方支持的 bucket
scoop bucket known
# main
# extras
# versions
# nightlies
# nirsoft
# php
# nerd-fonts
# nonportable
# java
# games
# jetbrains

# 查看帮助
scoop bucket help
# scoop bucket: cmd 'help' not supported
# Usage: scoop bucket add|list|known|rm [<args>]

# 添加 bucket
scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add java

scoop 常用命令使用

# 查看某软件执行命令位置
scoop which {{name}}

# 搜索某软件
scoop search {{name}}

# 打开某软件官网

scoop home {{name}}

# 检查潜在的问题
scoop checkup

# 查看状态
scoop status

scoop 安装我在使用的软件

安装前可以考虑使用 aria2 加速下载,不过由于 HTTPS 可能会导致下载失败,具体参考 scoop aria2 使用 安装前可以考虑使用 proxy 加速下载,具体参考 scoop 添加 http 代理

# 启用 aria2c 加速下载,不过可能会导致下载失败

# 建议先安装
scoop install innounp
scoop install extras/vcredist2010   # erroor: missing MSVCR100.dll
scoop install extras/vcredist2015

# dev env
scoop install git
scoop install openssh # because: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49926386/openssh-windows-bad-owner-or-permissions
scoop install nodejs # test: node npm
scoop install yarn # depend on npm
scoop install python # test: python pip
scoop install go

# java
scoop bucket add java

# install java lastest openjdk
scoop install openjdk 

# 如果你想使用 jdk8 你可以使用 openjdk 的发行版本
scoop install adopt8-upstream

# 切换到 jk8, 默认只会使用最后一次安装的版本
scoop reset adopt8-upstream

java -version
# 目前在 scoop java bucket 里的 jdk 版本
chrome https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Java/tree/master/bucket

# dev tools
scoop install vscode-portable   # vscode 便携版
scoop install postman
scoop install soapui # jdk 1.8 if jdk >= 1.8 you can try to readyapi
scoop install devdocs
scoop install windows-terminal

# CLI tools
scoop install wget
scoop install ffmpeg
scoop install aria2
scoop install youtube-dl
scoop install vim
scoop install zip
scoop install jq
scoop install latex
scoop install pandoc
scoop install hugo
scoop install phantomjs

# apps im
scoop install telegram

# apps tools
scoop install googlechrome  # Chrome
scoop install everything    # 文件搜索
scoop install 7zip  # 压缩
scoop install vlc   # vedio
scoop install dismplusplus  # dism++
scoop install calibre   # 书籍管理
scoop install ccleaner  # 清理工具
scoop install copyq # 剪切板工具
scoop install snipaste  # 截图工具
scoop install libreoffice-stable    # office


aria2-enabled false true scoop config aria2-enabled false scoop config proxy{{port}} # 启用 http 代理参考 windows 代理设置里写的端口与 sock5 端口不一样


# add
# 端口在 win10 设置里的代理设置
# 好像不支持 sock5
scoop config proxy{{port}}

# delete
scoop config rm proxy

scoop 常见问题处理

下载错误建议关闭 aria2

scoop config aria2-enabled false
# scoop config aria2-enabled true
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> scoop install vscode-portable
WARN  Scoop uses 'aria2c' for multi-connection downloads.
WARN  Should it cause issues, run 'scoop config aria2-enabled false' to disable it.
Installing 'vscode-portable' (1.44.2) [64bit]
Loading dl.7z from cache.
Starting download with aria2 ...
Download: 05/04 11:56:18 [ERROR] CUID#8 - Download aborted. URI=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras/master/scripts/vscode-install-context.reg
Download: Exception: [HttpConnection.cc:156] errorCode=1 Got EOF from the server.
Download: 05/04 11:56:18 [ERROR] CUID#9 - Download aborted. URI=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras/master/scripts/vscode-uninstall-context.reg
Download: Exception: [HttpConnection.cc:156] errorCode=1 Got EOF from the server.
Download: Download Results:
Download: gid   |stat|avg speed  |path/URI
Download: ======+====+===========+=======================================================
Download: 9274bd|ERR |       0B/s|C:/Users/hasee/scoop/cache/vscode-portable#1.44.2#https_raw.githubusercontent.com_lukesampson_scoop-extras_master_scripts_vscode-install-context.reg
Download: da621c|ERR |       0B/s|C:/Users/hasee/scoop/cache/vscode-portable#1.44.2#https_raw.githubusercontent.com_lukesampson_scoop-extras_master_scripts_vscode-uninstall-context.reg
Download: Status Legend:
Download: (ERR):error occurred.
Download: aria2 will resume download if the transfer is restarted.
Download: If there are any errors, then see the log file. See '-l' option in help/man page for details.
ERROR Download failed! (Error 1) An unknown error occurred
ERROR https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukesampson/scoop-extras/master/scripts/vscode-install-context.reg

ERROR & 'C:\Users\{{you}}\scoop\apps\aria2\current\aria2c.exe' --input-file='C:\Users\{{you}}\scoop\cache\vscode-portable.txt' --user-agent='Scoop/1.0 (+http://scoop.sh/) PowerShell/5.1 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Desktop)' --allow-overwrite=true --auto-file-renaming=false --retry-wait=2 --split=5 --max-connection-per-server=5 --min-split-size=5M --console-log-level=warn --enable-color=false --no-conf=true --follow-metalink=true --metalink-preferred-protocol=https --min-tls-version=TLSv1.2 --stop-with-process=12884 --continue --all-proxy=''

Please try again or create a new issue by using the following link and paste your console output:

使用 scoop checkup 命令检查

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> scoop checkup
WARN  Windows Defender may slow down or disrupt installs with realtime scanning.
  Consider running:
    sudo Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\Users\{{you}}\scoop'
  (Requires 'sudo' command. Run 'scoop install sudo' if you don't have it.)
WARN  Windows Defender may slow down or disrupt installs with realtime scanning.
  Consider running:
    sudo Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath 'C:\ProgramData\scoop'
  (Requires 'sudo' command. Run 'scoop install sudo' if you don't have it.)
WARN  LongPaths support is not enabled.
You can enable it with running:
    Set-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem' -Name 'LongPathsEnabled' -Value 1
ERROR 'Inno Setup Unpacker' is not installed! It's required for unpacking InnoSetup files. Please run 'scoop install innounp'.
WARN  Found 4 potential problems.


scoop bucket add dodorz https://github.com/dodorz/scoop-bucket
scoop install dodorz/NeteaseMusic
scoop install dodorz/wechat


    "homepage": "https://weixin.qq.com/",
    "description": "Free messaging and calling app.",
    "version": "2.9.0",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "EULA",
        "url": "https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=zh_CN&t=weixin_agreement&s=default"
    "url": "https://dldir1.qq.com/weixin/Windows/WeChatSetup.exe#/dl.7z",
    "shortcuts": [
    "post_install": [
        "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Force -Recurse",
        "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$_15_\" -Force -Recurse",
        "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$R5\" -Force -Recurse"
    "checkver": "微信 ([\\d.]+) for Windows 发布",
    "notes": "We don't persist your WeChat data, they are still storaged in '%APPDATA%\\Tencent\\WeChat'."


    "homepage": "https://music.163.com/",
    "description": "The official NetEase Cloud Music client.",
    "version": "",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "EULA",
        "url": "https://music.163.com/html/web2/service.html"
    "url": "https://d1.music.126.net/dmusic/obj/w5zCg8OCw6fCn2vDicOl/809710492/7805/2019112318441/cloudmusicsetup2.7.1.198242.exe#/dl.7z",
    "hash": "md5:991ae324e2ff261295f5fb4caeff55d9",
    "post_install": "Remove-Item \"$dir\\`$PLUGINSDIR\" -Force -Recurse",
    "bin": "cloudmusic.exe",
    "shortcuts": [
            "Netease Cloud Music"
    "checkver": {
        "url": "https://h404bi.azurewebsites.net/ncmversion.php",
        "jp": "$.updateFiles[0].url",
        "regex": "https://d1.music.126.net/dmusic/cloudmusicsetup([\\d.]+)\\.exe"
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": "https://d1.music.126.net/dmusic/cloudmusicsetup$version.exe#/dl.7z",
        "hash": {
            "url": "https://h404bi.azurewebsites.net/ncmversion.php",
            "jp": "$.updateFiles[0].hash"
    "notes": "We don't persist your CloudMusic data, they are still storaged in '%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Netease\\CloudMusic'."

使用 DISM++ 检查 WIN10 环境

# 现在 scoop 安装 Dism
# 扫描全部系统文件并和官方系统文件对比,扫描计算机中的不一致情况
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
# 这条命令必须在前一条命令执行完以后,发现系统文件有损坏时使用
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
# 不同的系统文件还原成官方系统源文件
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /RestoreHealth
# 完成重启后

VSCode extensions

# scoop install vscode

code --extensions-dir <dir>
    Set the root path for extensions.
code --list-extensions
    List the installed extensions.
code --show-versions
    Show versions of installed extensions, when using --list-extension.
code --install-extension (<extension-id> | <extension-vsix-path>)
    Installs an extension.
code --uninstall-extension (<extension-id> | <extension-vsix-path>)
    Uninstalls an extension.
code --enable-proposed-api (<extension-id>)
    Enables proposed API features for extensions. Can receive one or more extension IDs to enable individually.

安装我使用的 VSCode extentions

code --list-extensions
# dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
# eamodio.gitlens
# MS-CEINTL.vscode-language-pack-zh-hans
# ms-python.python
# ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl
# yzhang.markdown-all-in-one

# code --install-extension {{extension-id}}

Where are extensions installed?# Extensions are installed in a per user extensions folder. Depending on your platform, the location is in the following folder:

  • Windows %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions
  • macOS ~/.vscode/extensions
  • Linux ~/.vscode/extensions

安装 WSl

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart


为 windows 添加 open here


scoop java



最后更新: 2021-07-26
创建日期: 2021-03-04